Lama nyer tak update menatang nie. Smenjak ada FB nie, tak ngk langsung dah nate nie. Tak per. Lepas musim world cup nie, aku akan carik bahan bahan untuk di post kan kat dalam nie... heheheh...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Nampak gelap sket ekk...??
Been out to Bagan Serai last long weekend. Travel up north on Saturday morning. Have a stop at several places. Amcorp Mall to collect the 'ultraman'. Ehehe. Then have a pit stop at Ipoh to tapau nasik ganja. Had the nasik ganja at R&R after the Jelapang Toll. Sat there to makan the nasik ganja. Perghh...!!! Deliciousss... yummy yummy...
Since I'm back at Bagan Serai, took the opportunity to meet wif my long old skool mate. Man Lonjong. Ehehehe... Called him earlier and set the appointment on Sunday. Agreed to meet somewhere at Parit Buntar. Last time I met him was on 1995 if I'm not mistaken. He is another one of the so called Sri Kinta Old Boys. My buddy since we were a little boy at FRU Ipoh. Had a nice chat wif him at the kedai mamak here in Parit Buntar. We met around 11am up till 3pm. Tonnes of story been updated. Unfortunately, he have another appointment to attend to. Well... Agreed to meet him someday together with other Sri Kinta Old Boys.
Owh... He is in Merbok now. Working with Petronas Fertilizer in Gurun. Since his wife work as an English lecturer at UiTM Merbok, that's why he's staying there. Love the meeting bro. Hope we will meet again soon...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Wednesday, March 11, 2009 1 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Yeayy... Jumper gak akhirnya...
Finally completed my long overdue system admin training proposal. Fuhh...!!! Lega... Me, myself and I also sooo unsunkerable that I managed to complete the proposal. 40 pages youuu...!!! Perghh... It's like a short novel plak. Ahahaha... Passed it on to the approproate person for the submission. Let's wait and see what will be their comment.
Well... Am still awake at this hour. Waiting for Man United game scheduled to play againts The Magpies early this morning. Hoping Man U will clinch another victory away from Old Trafford.
Counting the minutes of the game. It will finished slightly half past 5 morning. Hurm. There will be a meeting at the office at 9 am. Boleh ker nie? Hahaha... Belasah jer laa. Worst case, should I feel bored during the meeting, I know what I shall do. Ehehehe...
Got a call from my fren, Nizar (not the Perak Nizar ok... this is another Nizar. Ehehehe...) on my way back from the office. He was crying and asking me to lepak wif him tonyte. He's boring... Hehehehe... "Sorry Tan Sri, am a bit tired today. Go and call another fren. Hehehehe...". He's a bit boring now since his wife and son is not around. Vacation for two weeks. And he has been left alone for the past 4 or 5 days. Akakaka... Gud luck my fren... May the force be with you.
Huarghh... Am sleepy already. Need to take a fast nap before need to wake up to be at my Astro Stadium for the match. Owhh...!! By the way, I've stopped taking caffein for few days now. Followed the Dr advised. Smoking... Ehehehe... Less ker? Sleep... Yes!! Except for tonyte. Others... Slowly kot... Ahahaha...
Chiow Sin Cheeeee...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Thursday, March 05, 2009 1 comments
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tension ek...?? Hurm...
Strange... Woke up yesterday morning and felt the whole world around me is moving. Erkk...!!! Earthquake ke Shah Alam nie? Wait a minute. Hurmm... Owhh...!! It's just me. Got a stiff shoulder. Can't bend to my knees. Felt like all the blood inside my body 'berebut-rebut' going to my brain. Arghh... Checked my heartbeat... Laju nyer. Cam kudaku lariii gagah berani...
Reached at the office half past 10. Meeting started already. Not feeling very gud at all. Went to see the doctor. As suspected, High BP. A bit over stress. Hurmm... Takkan Man U menang pon stress kot? TErlebih celebrate kot. Wakakaka...
Before goin' out, the Dr sempat pesan. Here are the advise that was given to me...
a. Less smoke
b. Less salt in cooking
c. Don't stay up too late
d. More exercise
e. Less eating at tomyam stall (lots of Pak Aji naik moto)
f. More Man Uniteddddddd...!!! Wakakaka...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 03, 2009 0 comments
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sri Kinta Old Boys @ Kinrara
Saturday, 28th February 2009, located at Bandar Kinrara 5 (BK5), organized a small gathering with my old mates from SRK Sri Kinta Jalan Ashby Ipoh. Huhuhuhuhu... Planned to have around seven or eight mates. But at the end, there were only five of us. Small but really meant something. This will be the first step into the BIG Reunion that will be held in SRK Sri Kinta Jalan Ashby Ipoh in the future. Well... It's only a plan so far, but it will definitely be our target. If its not this end of the year, next year it will surely happen.
Among all the mates that came was, Shamsul Reduan aka Banduan, Ali, Zulkhairi aka Adik, Izzudin aka Siamang and me. Ehehehe... Banduan, Ali and Adik have their own business now while Siamang is still with TV3 as 'Pengarah Grafik'.
Adik was first to arrive with Siamang, followed by me, Ali and Banduan the last. We sat there from 5pm up till 9.30pm. Banduan was the first one to left. Anak demam, he said. Ehehehe... Sat at the kedai mamak and digging up all memories during our skool days at Sri Kinta. About all the teachers and frens. Ehehehehe... Ada jugak Cikgu yg dah Aruah. Innalillah...
Banduan I always meet him at office. In fact met with him 2 weeks ago. Ali, the last time that I met him was end of last year at Midvalley. Adik... The last time I met him was in 2001 when he came to my house personally to invite me to his wedding. Ehehe... Siamang? Huh... Since the last day of my standard 6 in Sri Kinta. It has been how many years ekk? Huhuhuhuhuhu... Many many yearsss...

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Sunday, March 01, 2009 1 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dah lama .....
Dah lama tak meng'update'... Sepi sekejap. Bz lately dgn segala kerja kerja. Termasuklaa kerja kerja penanaman semula kat belakang umah aku tu. Ahaha... Tiap hari balik kerja, itu la yg aku jenguk dulu. Ladang cinonet aku. Ahahaha... Weekend lepas, tanam lagi satu pokok. Kali nie Datin suh aku tanam pokok 'moktan'. Ehehehe... Akhirnya, tanam jugak aku pokok 'moktan' gula batu nie. Ntah yer ntah tak. Toke yg jual tu yo yo ooo jer cakap. Tak kisah lah. Asalkan berbuah jer nanti pon dah kira Alhamdulillah...
Pokok pokok lain yg ditanam dulu pon dah membesar. Dah rumaja. Ehehehe... Insya Allah tak lama lagi dapat la hasil. Buat makan sendiri jer. Save bajet di kala ekonomi tak baguih nie kan... Ahahaha...

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Monday, February 23, 2009 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Slamatss Encik Babam Selamat....
Tahniah... Tahniah... Tahniah... Kepada Encik Babam Imran dan Oshin setelah selamat bergelar suami isteri. Ehehehe... Sampai jugok ke umah kenduri setelah sekian lama kami tawaf jalan Gambang tu...
Pagi sebelum bertolak tu dapat 2 sms dari rerakan yg pada mulanya bercadang untuk turut serta. Tapi di atas sebab sebab teknikal yg tidak dpt dielakkan, maka dorang terpaksa tak pergi. So nampak gaya nyer 2 kereta jer la. Keter ku dan juga Piak. Janji dgn Maizu nak jumpa kat Kuantan pasal dia dari Ganu...
Nak dijadikan cerita, masa tengah on the way tu, si Piak nie plak kasik sms kata keter dia breakdown kat Bentong. Alemeekkkk...!!! Enjin berasap katanya. Belting putus. Perghh...!!! Lepas satu satu masalah datang. Hurmm... Si Babam nie jomput tak ikhlas apa? Ekekeke... Sori Babam, memain jer. Ahaks. Janji ngan Piak akan berhenti kat area keter dia breakdown nnt.
Sesampai area Bentong, tak nampak plak aku swift putih parking tepi jalan. Puas tipon. Tak dapat la plak. So decided to move on. Maybe Piak dah ok kot and dia teruskan perjalanan. Drive pon tak laju mana, tapi still lagi malanggar had laju kebangsaan. Ehehehe... Sesampai kat simpang susur kuar Gambang, ngk ada Abang trafik pulak tahan keter yg mana over speed. Ah sudah!! Masak aku. Sekali dah dekat, abang polis tu slumber jer kibarkan bendera suh aku jalan. Perghhhh...!!! Alhamdulillah... Selamat...
Menuju ker bandar Kuantan, tipon Maizu. Agreed nak jumpa kat area TUDM Bt 10. Memandangkan Maizu tak der map nak ke umah Babam, nak tak ndak dia kena la tunggu. Gerak sesama menuju ke destinasi berpandukan pada peta yg simple giler yg ada pada kad jemputan tu. Nak dijadikan cerita, petunjuk kat peta tu plak macam tak betul. Berapa kali masuk salah simpang. Yg terlajak simpang lagi jangan cerita la. Hinshh...
Last sekali, setelah hampir setengah jam pusing pusing kat area jalan Gambang tu, baru jumpa. Pergh... Memang sah Babam nie... Apa laa... Masa tgh sesat tu, call jugak talian hayat kat sesaper yg pernah gi umah si Babam nie. Call si TehBeng. Sekali jawap dia senang jer. Dia pon konpius and dah tak hingat cemana nak pergi. Hampes tol si TehBeng nie.
Jumpa gak ngan Hospital Ampang nyer staff, Mr Maskuri. Jumpa gak ngan si Yusri, yg lelain dah chow awal lagi. Dengar citer dorang nak pergi mandi sungai lak. Hurmm... Jumpa ngan pengantin yg serba merah. Pastu makan nasik beriani berlaukkan daging. Sedapppp.... Tak sesia datang dari jauh. Ehehehe...
Selesai kat umah Babam, aku ngan wifey terus ker Beserah, carik ikan segar sambil pekena lagi mee calong. Then terus balik. Singgah kejap kat area Petronas Jaya Gading kat kem askar Bt 10 tu pasal wifey nak beli kepok lekor. Settle semua... kami teruskan perjalanan pulang ker Shah Alam. Sampai kat Shah Alam dekat pukul 9 lebih kot. Aku flat, terus tertido sampai sok tengahari. Ehehehe...
Anyway... Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada Encik Imran Hamidi and Suehaiza....
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Friday, January 30, 2009 1 comments