Thursday, January 31, 2008


What is NST? Well it definitely not News Straits Time. Hehehe... Okay, here it goes, NST = NSU Smart Technology. Yes...!!! A company born exactly at 10.39 am 30 January 2008 at SSM Kuala Lumpur.

After lots of reading and sniffing around, including blog, I thought, it would take me quite sometime to register NST. But surprisingly, it took us just around 1 hour to complete the NST signings. Hehehe... The time taken excluding the time waiting for collecting the certificate. Har har har... The certificate will be collected by my partner's sister sometime before Friday. Woo... Could not wait too see the certificate. The so called birth certificate of the company.

Our next step will be to register NST with all related headings with MOF. For me and my partners, this is just another step to a improve and involve ourselves in the business world. Just pray for our success... Insya Allah...


KodeeXII said...


cemerlang.. cemerlang... business apa bai?

Budak Kampung said...

Hehehe... Ada arr sesikit. Jual air liur dulu kot. Kekeke.. Kalau lu nak order apa apa jer arr... kecuali pompuan ngan narko.. Lu kasik call sama aku bai.. hihihihi..

idasazliana said...

Wahhh....cantik menarik tertarik kau memang de bom!! ;)