Thursday, November 22, 2007

People Management

Masa sekolah dulu bila orang tanya nak jadik apa? Aku jawap, askar, polis dan engineer. Kenapa? Sebab askar nengok dia kawad besstttt. Polis sebab boleh tangkap orang. Engineer, sebab apa huh? Sebab title tuh glamer kot. Kekekeke...

Bila dah besar, baru aku tau aku nak jadik apa. Jadik BOSS. Bila dah kerja, baru tau susah jugak nak jadik bos. Bila jadik pekerja, selalu tak puas hati ngan BOSS. Hmmm...

Sekarang... Bila dah dapat peluang jadik ketua (belum BOSS lagi tau!!) baru tau cemana susah nyer nak handle orang. Hmm... People management. Skill yg tak boleh belajar dari buku, tapi dari pengalaman... Yerrr... Pengalaman. Lagi banyak pengalaman sebagai orang yang diarah, baru lar boleh jadik seorang tukang arah yg baik dah disukai ramai. Ini pendapat persendirian aku arr. Kalau ada yg tak puas hati, itu korang nyer hal lar....

Kat bawah nie aku attachkan statement pasal people management nie yg aku search dari web... Ada yg ok, ada yg cam skema jer...

A manager's most important, and most difficult, job is to manage people. You must lead, motivate, inspire, and encourage them. Sometimes you will have to hire, fire, discipline or evaluate employees.

Instead of giving orders, a smart manager gives instructions. Learn how to give instruction instead of giving orders to become a better manager. (Hehehe... Baca cam senang, tapi tak senang tuh... Mana tahan, kena lak kalau subordinate tuh degil.. Heheehehe)

An employee life cycle is the steps the employees go through from the time they enter a company until they leave. Managers are in a key position reduce employee cost using the condensed employee life cycle of HIAR (pronounced hire)

Most managers don't know how to delegate. They hold on to tasks that others should be doing for them or they just dump those tasks onto subordinates. Both are wrong. Learn these secrets to delegating and it will make your job easier and make your employees happier. (Yang ini aku tgh dok buat sekarang nie.. So far ok. Semua leh diharap. Sampai aku rasa cam tak der kerja lak. Kekeke... Tapi accountability still on me...)

Fuhh ada byk lagi nie kalau nak copy paste. Cukup dulu arr. Lain kali sambung lain. Citer bab kerja nie sampai bila pon tak habis. Bosan....