Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ger ger armsss....

'Siakap senohong gelama ikan duri, bercakap bohong lelama mencuri...' Well, talked about lying, since we were a child, I believed all parents taught their children not to lie. There are many ways for them to punish or scold their children so that they would not lie to others. Especially parents. But sometimes, parents do know when their children is lying.

But it's different now when you are at work. Sometimes you need to lie in order for you to complete your task. In a meeting especially. Need to cover up your real situations in order to get stakeholders to be on your side. Tell them the so called progress that was never a progress at the first place. Ekekeke... Tell them about there are no issues that actually is an issue. Erkk.... Pening... At the end of the day, confused with what we have been taught since young. Ahahaha... Bohong sunat...