Wednesday, May 28, 2008


December 2003 saw the introduction of a new law banning the use of hand-held mobiles while driving. Scientists had long been suggesting this ban, believing that it would cut the number of car crashes caused by mobile phone distraction. Whilst some drivers persisted in using hand-held mobiles, many motorists turned to hands-free mobile kits instead so that they could keep on chatting whilst driving without breaking the law.

To you out there, please start using your hands free kit. Get one should you don't have any. Believe me. It's dangerous shud you are an active phone chatter. Sometimes, the least expected things could happens to us just because of this little things. Distractions!!!

Kalau tak nak yg gini, cari arr yg lagi sempoi... Cam bluetooth tuh. But pakai arr... Yerr...