Wednesday, June 11, 2008

2T = Temptation Tuesday

It starts with raining heavily this morning. Arghhh...!! Best nyerrr kalau tak bangun. Its sooo guuuddd if I can continue my sleep session. However, got plenty of things to do today. My paperwork dateline, eventhough its on Wednesday, but it still need to be completed before end of today. Also need to complete a pricing paperwork to be submitted to JKR for 'other' project.
Met with Uncle Husin (bukan nama cam dalam Mykad), to discuss more about the pricing paper work. Need to sort out few things. End of the meeting, agreed with him almost 90% on what need to be done on the paperwork. Settled... Ustat (also bukan nama cam dalam Mykad), asked to submit proposal by this Friday. Hurmm.... Penat nih...
Have you ever look or feel at something that are very tempting and make you can't think about other things besides than that thing. Huh... Headache arr... Ekeke... It has been several times for me. Remember my entry on the shoes? 722... hehehe... 7 malls and 22 outlets. And today, its about something else. Ermm... Need to get rid off my minds.

Best nyerrr... Ujan ujan tido. Especially kalau hujan pagi hari bekerja.. Eiii.....