Yess...!! Finally, the quest has come to the end... The race had reached to it's finish line... And I am proudly declared, that if you have a determination, no matter how many shopping mall and how many sports outlet are there in Klang Valley, if you have the willingness to go in and go out, climb up and climb down all the escalators of seven ... Yesssss........ Seven shopping malls and twenty two... Yesssssss........ Twenty two sports outlet, your dream will come true. It ain't over till I said it's over babe...
Yahooooooooooooooo....!! Finally its over!!! And now, I am proudly present to you my new 'trainer'. A bit different though, but its the new season design and just arrived two days ago at the outlet that I end my quest (itu pon kalau amoi tuh tak kench aku arr..).
Spot the differences (compared to my last entry....)???
Thanks to all the outlets staff and managers who entertain my 'cerewet' during my visit to your store.......
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Sunday, March 30, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Nak cari kasut... Nakcari kasut...
Nak carik kasut... Nak carik kasut... Nak carik kasut...
I thought i've saw a pussy cat... Have you ever heard that statement? Made by tweety. Yeaa.. Same with me. I thought I saw the Adidas 'trainer' shoes at one of the outlet in Shah Alam lst 2 weeks. Felt in love with the shape and design. Guess what? When I wanna grab the shoes, oppss... it's not in the stock. Or the sales person said, "Sorry bang, apa yang ada display nie jer yang ada...". Arghh.. Impossible. I'm confident that I've saw the shoes somewhere here in Shah Alam. After 3 shopping malls and 7 sport outlets, still FAIL to get what I want. Erkk... Penat + tension.... (Tak masuk lagi kat kedai yg orang tolong surveykan... Thanks yerr, jadik surveyor sukarela..)
Since tomorrow my luv one going to have her own activity in KL with her frens, I'll take this opportunity to continue my quest for 'trainer' that I one... Nak carik kasut.... Nak carik kasut... Nak carik kasuttt... Nak carik kasutt... May the 'Adi' force be with me...
Hoping I could find any of this Adidas 'trainer' pair.... Pleaseeeeeee....
Owhh yess..!! Wanna take this opportunity to welcome you, ytreehugger, to the blog community. We know that you have lots to write same like you have much to talk about. Kekekeke....!!!
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Saturday, March 29, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Yesterday is D Dayyy...
Yesterday...!! Been the best day for me for the past few weeks. Presentation went sooo well. Meeting turn to be sooo good. My present in those occasions seems to be noticed by others. Hahaha.. Am I have too many ideas to throw out or it's just me :P .... Or maybe I just looked different yesterday.. Some of them suddenly came at me and said, "What is soo different on you today huh?". Hahahaha... Why arr... Kikikiki...
Well.. It's been a while since I felt what I felt yesterday. Hoping that today and the day after and the day after will be just like yesterday.....
Owh.. Just put here Sugar Ray song with Into Yesterday clip. Loveee this song and the lyrics. Suits me with my mood.. Luv to see the clips.. Enjoy...
The sky turns to a different shade of blue
After the rain
Her mind turns to a different point of view
After the rain
Ooh, my, my... Ooh, my, my... Ooh, my, my, I know
Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday
Now all those clouds have nothing left to do
After the rain
And all those doubts have drifted out of you
After the rain
Ooh, my, my... Ooh, my, my... Ooh, my, my, I know
Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday
Like the ocean meets the moon to take the tides away
All we need’s a little more time to chase the blues away
Sun is out and it feels like it’s always gonna stay
Let this last forever, turn tomorrow into yesterday, into yesterday
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Thursday, March 27, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Serr Arr Bootss
Let's ask ourselves why are we 'serabuts' at the first place? Is it because of our back logs? Or is it because suddenly we received tons of assignments or issues that need to be ironed out at the same time? Or is it because we like to gather all our works until the last minutes of the datelines?
No matter what are the reasons, sometimes when the time comes... and we got the so called 'serabut', we start to do all the things at the same time and ended up doing nothing. Nothing...!! Hmm.. Been in this situation several times. So... How to get on top of this? Did some reading on it and been informed during the Project Management course few years or months back. When you are in these situations, do not panic. List down all the tasks and the datelines, takcle it one by one based on the priorities. Sounds easy... isn't it? Hahaha... In the actual life... Hahahaha... It's not as simple as what all those people wrote in their articles. I don't know whether there is something wrong with the way I'm approach to this matter or hmmmm..... This 'serabut' thing will become more 'serabut' to me shud it involve with my clients or stakeholders and they keep on calling me asking for updates or solutions. When the mobile starting to ring all day without knowing when to stop. When all the emails starting to coming in not knowing when to stop. At this point of time, I sometimes hopping that there is no email and mobile phone technology been invented by the geniuses. Hahaha... Also hoping that I had Mr Hiro Nakamura's power to close
my eyes and jump to another time or places. Hoping that I have the super power to stop the time to let me do all the back logs thing and hoping that I could teleport myself through space and time like the Jumpers to run away from all these 'serabut' thing.
Hmm.. all those are all in my minds only and the fact is, I still need to tackle it one by one no matter how difficult it is and the most important thing is you cannot run away from your problem, just face it. If you run away... sooner or later, it will show up again infront of you and this time it will be much more bigger than ever....
How many of us dare to face the problem face to face during the beginning? Have we got all it takes to tackle the problems without being too emotional and decide what to do based on our profesional judgements? Hmm... 'tepuk dada tanya selera'. To the 'special one' and frens out there... What can I say is... Just be patience and do whatever you need to do... At least you all have the guts to face it day in and day out without even thingkng about running away from it...
Good job and well done. Kudos to all of you and frankly, I won't be able to be where I am rite now if it's not because of you guys....
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 25, 2008 0 comments
Monday as Usual
Monday again... Today there was supposed to be a 929 meeting. Somehow, it has been cancelled due to there was another big meeting at Serdang. The Operation and Maintenance meeting. I'm not involved. So.. Lepak at the office and clear up a bit the documentation work that has been pending for almost a week.
Nothing much to do. Called 1 of my team at Ampang. Assigned them there to investigate network health check especially on GE VLAN. They managed to come out with a conclusion that it wasn't the network problem. So Tuesday morning meeting, I don't need to attend since PM Ampang already knew that the problem did not caused by our configuration.
For Sg Buloh, still did not firmed with ICU HOD to proceed with the additional cabling work at HDW ward. He's been out for almost 2 weeks to France attended a conference. He shud be back by this week. Need to get his green light on the mock up set before I can despatch the sub-contractor to proceed with the remaining bay.
Sg Petani... PM keep on calling to order new materials for cabling work. Informed him that the overall shopping list are with me. I will produce a necessary paperswork to order the materials required. Since our suppplier currently is on their company trip to Japan, so I have to hold until 26 March.
Alor Setar.. I am still waiting for the final list of the CCIS data point requirement before I can produce BQ for the network equipment. Asked PM to chase the appropriate person in charge to avoid the delay of the equipment delivery shud we ordered late. What else for Alor Setar... hmm.. oo yes. To schedule for wireless AP installation at site. Hmm.. need to check the calendar.
Other than that, well nothing much, except for the presentation that I will be involved this Wednesday morning. Received calls from SPK Homes Director's PA to confirm the time and date for the presentation. I wonder, why am I shud take lead on this. It supposed to be other unit responsibility. Arghhh... Buat jer lar. Melawan kang tak puas hati lak.. Bukan bulih menang pon....
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 25, 2008 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Weekend yg baru lepas.. memang tak der apa apa aktiviti yg menarik.
Jumaat malam before the weekend tu macam biasa ada aktiviti futsal. Ada lar sorang mamat nie yg dah lama tak main. Setelah puas di'jek' akhirnya dia agreed nak main. Hehehe.. Apalagi, semua ahi tetap futsal aku war-warkan akan kehadiran mamat nie. Masing-masing dah pasang nawaitu.. Hehehe.. Apalagi.. Nak kenakan mamat nie. Sebab apa? Sebab dia poyooo.... Wakaakakaka... Masa main tuh, bertubi-tubi jugak lar dia kena dengan aku dan kawan-kawan. Sian jugak ngk. Huh!! Mana boley kesian beb!! Hati mau kering..!! Hehehe... Padan muka dia. Sempat jugak aku tunaikan beberapa 'permintaan' istimewa untuk mamat nie. Don't worry... Permintaan serta pesanan anda semua telah saya dan re-rakan lain tunaikan. Hahahahaha.....
Sabtu.. Hujan lebat nyer.. Bangun pon agak lewat sikit pasal malam sebelumnya lepas main futsal dok melepak pulak kat kedai mamak. Sampai pukul 4 pagi baru balik. Awall tu balik.. yer lar... Awal pagi. Dapat call dari member ex Sekolah Rendah Sri Kinta Jalan Ashby Ipoh. Haaa... !! Sekolah rendah beb. Ada sesetengah daripada diaorang nie, last sekali aku jumpa masa darjah 6 tuh lar. Dah berapa puluh tahun dah tuh? Excited giler nak jumpa dorang. For sure banyak cerita nak didengar dan disampaikan.
Malam pulak janji ngan business partner aku nak jumpa kat Alamanda. Meeting nyer dalam sejam lebih jer. Lepak nyer yg lama. Pastuh pindah pergi kedai mamak kat Precint 9 pulak. Sembang punya sembang ada lar sampai pukul 3 pagi. Makk aii.. Awal lagi... On the way nak balik, dapat pulak sms keramat.. Ingatkan sekadar gurauan jer dari pengirim sms. Sekali tgh layan driving tuh... Maakkk aiii... Apa yg dianggap gurauan menjadi kenyataan. Bukan nyer jumpa hantu, kalau hantu boleh lari lagi.... Ini kena tahan lak ngan bapak polisi. Adoiii... Maka bermula la episod lakonan aku yg tak seberapa ok tuh.
Polis: "Mintak maaf Encik, boleh tunjukkan IC dan lesen memandu?"
Dengan tenang aku hulur jer dokumen yg diperlukan. Terus aku tanya, "Apa salah saya encik?".
Brader tuh pon senyum.
Dia tak jawap pon soalan aku, terus dia tanya, "Encik bawak laju ni nak ke mana? Encik tau tak hadlaju kawasan sini berapa? Hadlaju sini cuma 90km/h, tapi kami rekod Encik punya kelajuan 134 km/h...".
Terdiam aku. Tapi terus control macho sambil jawap dengan muka serius, "Mintak maaf lar cikgu, saya nak cepat nie. Dari Putrajaya nak ker Hosp SGB. Ada masalah sikit kat sana."
"Ada kecemasan ker?", brader polis tuh tanya. "A'ah Cikgu, ada masalah ngan sistem kat sana. Critical... Kebetulan saya standby. Itu yg nak cepat tuh..", kata aku sambil buat muka cam kesian + rushing.
Polis tuh pon tgk macam kesian kat aku agaknya. Dia explain dia tak boleh nak buat apa2 pasal pegawai dia ada. So dia bawak aku jumpa pegawai dia.
"Tuan , orang kita...", sambil tunjuk arah aku. Lepas sembang sikit lebih kurang, sembang sampai habis rokok aku sebatang, aku pon lepas. Pegawai tuh siap sampaikan salam lagi kat parents aku. Legaaaa... Selamat aku. Tapi jantung ni berdebar-debar Tuhan jer yg tahu.
Apasal lar agaknya dia lepaskan aku yerr.. Alasan yg aku bagi ker? Atau dia kesian kat aku? And kenapa brader polis tuh cakap "Orang kita" kat pegawai dia.... ?? Hmmm .... Rupa-rupanya ... Alamat lesen dengan alamat kat IC aku .. alamat Balaiii daa.. Kekeke..... And yang lagi best nya pulak, pegawai tuh kenal bapak aku. Satu skuad dulu kata nyerr....
Untuk sesaper yg pernah tanya hari tu kenapa aku tak tukor lesen baru terus... Haaa ini lar sebabnyaa.... Kekekekeke.....
Ahad... Tak macam minggu sesudah.... Ada F1 lak tuh. Dapat tiket grandstand lagi. Tapi aku tak pergi pon. Bagi kat orang jer lar.. Tgk kat TV lagi best kot. Bukan apa, takut nnt jalan jem and tak sempat pulak nak sampai rumah nak layan MAN U punya game...
So ... Siapa ler yg terkena yerr...???
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Monday, March 24, 2008 0 comments
Grand Slam Weekend

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Monday, March 24, 2008 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
No aspect of our mental life is more important to the quality and meaning of our existence than emotions. They are what make life worth living, or sometimes ending. The simplest theory of emotions, and perhaps the theory most representative of common sense, is that emotions are simply a class of feelings, differentiated from sensation and proprioceptions by their experienced quality. Hmmm... Too complicated....
Wednesday... Day with full of emotions. In simple words, mood swing several times during short period of time. Hehehe...
Early in the morning, I felt guilty and a bit dilemma since I made 'someone' angry and maybe this 'someone' not going to talk to me anymore, for today at least if not forever. A bit harsh on this 'someone' the day before and I admit that I am not supposed to say what I said. Well that's life. Sometimes it is just not worth it to feel sorry after it happened. Eventhough you think it will bring or give the best that you hope for them... Next time think before you say somtin', not think about what you say after you have said it... Happy...!!!
Got a call in the afternoon that the sale for NST that we have been chasing quite sometimes finally came thru. Order came in. Yess...!! First order for NST. Alhamdulillah... Hopefully we can deliver everything as what the customer had ordered and hopefully there will be no hickup. Need to think about consistency on managing the customer and to ensure they are happy to deal with NST. Called the supplier and confirmed our orders. Not just that.. They've call me again and agreed to gimme another discount based on the orders compared to teh price they quoted to NST before. Good... Alhamdulillah... Huhuhuhuhu.......
Again got a call from someone belongs to the 'Bunch of BODs' saying that they want me to participate in a presentation that will be held next Wednesday. Something new and they want me to do some research on it. At the same time, I need to arrange with the vendors to prepared everything for the presentation. Arghh..!! What if the vendors can't commit? What if the vendor will come but they prepared their presentation thingy not up to the mark that was expected by the 'BUnch of BODs'? The bigger what is, what if I don't have enuf time to prepare all these since I am tight with my schedule and unplanned work at sites.. Again .... arghhhhhhhhhh...!!! Feel like I wanna quit...
Incoming call again... This time it is from the management of one of the site at ... Tuuutttt... This so called Site Manager called me and blamed my team for their vendor cannot support the system due to the IPVPN line configured by my team is DOWN. Hmm.. I think for a few seconds and i said to this Site Manager, "Wait... wait... wait... Are you saying that your vendor cannot support your system because of the IPVPN down? Is it?". He answered yes.. Wallaaaa... Straight away I got my ammunition to tembak this Site Manager for not been able to understand the actual problem. Don't they know that the support line have nothing to do with the IPVPN that was supplied by the government. I mad and cursed him like a mad man on the spot. At the end of the conversation he admitted that he was wrong and said he's sorry for giving the wrong impression to the people upstairs. The damage has been done. After satisfied screwed him on the phone, then I called my team in Sabah to have a look on this matter. Heheheh...
And do you know how long this emotions of mine changing from one to another? Kekeke... It took me from 8 am till 6 pm... Normally, maximum I will change my mood not more than 2 times a day. Again..!! As my teacher used to say to me, "There is always first time for everything". Ooo dear.. This is life...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Friday, March 21, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Another Win..!!

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Thursday, March 20, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Have you ever felt guilty? Well I did..... Rasmus had find a good way to expressed how guilty they are....
Performed by a group called Rasmus. Kewl...
I feel guilty
My words are empty
No signs to give you
don't have the time for you
You say I'm heartless
And you say I don't care
I used to be there for you
you've said I seem so dead, that I have changed
But so have you
Guilty (whoa), guilty I feel so
Empty (yeah), empty you know how make me feel
I put a shield upon you
I didn't mean to hurt you
would've only poisoned your mind
Never meant to make you cry
You've been so thoughtless
I can see right through you
You used to be there for me
don't you leave and say goodbye
Cause you have changed, but so have I
Guilty (whoa), guilty I feel so
Empty(yeah), empty you know how make me feel
I never thought that the time and the distance
Between us made you so much colder
I'll carry the world on my shoulders
Guilty (whoa)
Empty (yeah)
Guilty (whoa), guilty I feel so
Empty (yeah), empty you know how make me feel
Guilty (whoa)
Empty (yeah)
you know how make me feel
Guilty (whoa), so guilty
Empty (whoa), so empty, you know how make me feel
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Wednesday, March 19, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sooo Adhoc.....
I'm here at Sg Buloh wasting my time with KT Tunstall 'Suddenly I See' playing in the background. Waiting for the meeting that was scheduled at 2pm in KL. Malas nak pergi to Cyberjaya.. so spent my time here in Sg Buloh with Mantan. While in here, check on few documentations that need to prepared.
Suddenly got a call from PD. Explained to me that need to get engaged to one of the vendors for a new business that the company wanna explore. Hmm.. An additional work with tons of existing work. Straight away called relevant vendors to make an appointment for the presentation to the Bunch of BODs.
Well need to pack up and go to KL to attend a meeting with Bahagian Perkhidmatan Kesihatan (BPK) under Ministry of Defence. Some integration meeting that need to attend. I am not quite sure why do I have to attend this Application meeting. Whateverrrr...!! Just go and listen to what they need to say..
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 18, 2008 0 comments
Have you guys ever been evaluated by or evaluating others? Today I am in a situation of defending a group of people that I have evaluated and also been evaluating by the evaluator. Confused? Well... Me to. Why? Because April will come soon. What will happen will happened in the month of April. For me, I don't want to assume or put any high hopes.
Anyway.. I'm satisfied with what did I fight for those who have been sacrifice their time and effort to ensure everything are according to the plan. "Meet the expectation' sounds like not enough for them. However, I can't promise anything. It's now have been handed over to the 'High One' to decide. Hopefully the force will be with us... Insya Allah....
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 18, 2008 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Dowhh Nut....
Well.. That's the donut story. Tomorrow.. Monday... As usual there will be the 929 meeting. Dowhh.. Afternoon I am going to have another meeting with the supplier. Meeting...! Meeting...! Meeting...! Hopefully there will be no major issues either at site or at the office.
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Monday, March 17, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
2 Missed Call & a SMS

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Sunday, March 16, 2008 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Funky Friday


Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Saturday, March 15, 2008 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday Raggae
Thursday Raggae...!!! Hahaha... Somehow, I got to know that my driving license is not valid anymore. What does it mean? Means that legally I cannot drive Kassim since 4 March 2008. Jeng jeng jeng....... Yuppppp.... 4 March 2008. Cemana bulih lupa niee...?? Slumber badak jer bawak keter lelaju.. Mujur tak kena tahan. Well I planned to go to the post office during lunch time. But I heard from what the girls here said, if I wanna renew at post office and I'm still not using the MyKAD, I have to go to JPJ. Arramakkk..!! Is that right? Hmm... Takkan arr... At the end of the day, I still did not renew my license. Well tomorrow arr...
My team was here again in Sg Buloh. Today we planned to check radio signal for all wireless AP's that have been complained by certain doctors that the signals are weak. Set 2 teams and out we go... The outcome surprised me a lot!! Actually it's true. At certain areas, somehow the radio signal are weak and even no signal at all. There are also some fluctuations on the radio signal especially at wards. Hmmm.. Decided to deploy a team again tomorrow to investigate the physical installation of the AP's, antennas installation whether it was done right at the 1st place depending on the areas they installed.
It supposed to be a Raggae and another good day for me at site until I got a really irritating and made my blood go not just upstairs but straight to the roof an hour before we go off. It was a problem that should not be a problem at the first place if the other unit know and understand what are they doing. If they could understand the implication and the wasteful of time and resources by mistakenly give us the information that we requied at the first place, I believed we won't face the complaint again and again all this while (Kang kalau maki kang jadik apa apa lak saper yg susah kat dorang nie....). Sometimes if the job were dne without any passion and sincerity, this will happens and it will turn worst shud it involve others. Arghhh.........!!!
That incident made me wanna somebody to scream at..!!! Controlled my temper infront of PM. When I felt that I couldn't stand anymore, just went away to the smoking areas. Have a break... have a smoke... Kekeke... Not one.. not two... but three buts in one trip. I really need to calm down by supplying nicotin to my body...
Arghh ...!!! That's life... Tomorrow.. we'll see... TGI Friday... FRIDAYNITEFUTSALatExtremeParkAsUsual....
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Friday, March 14, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ballad Wednesday

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Thursday, March 13, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday Pop....

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Wednesday, March 12, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday Blues
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 11, 2008 1 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
How's the weekend...??? Hmmm.....

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Sunday, March 09, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Pilihanraya ke 12

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Saturday, March 08, 2008 0 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
Say It Again for Me
Marie (Ma-ri-ay) Digby... I definitely will be your new fans. Started from your acoustic Rihanna - Umbrella song. Need to talk no more. I bet you guys will love this Japanese American Girl's Album. Will definitely find your album.
You can try her video clips and below is the lyrics for the song called 'Say It Again For Me' written by Marie Digby herself....
The thing about love
Is i never saw it coming
It kinda crept up and took me by surprise
And now there’s a voice inside my heart that’s got me wondering
Is this true, i want to hear it one more time
Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for meIt’s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you’re in love
Say it again
Thing about you is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there’s no end in sight
The thing about me is that i really want to let you
Open that door and walk into my life
Move in a little closer
Take it to a whisper
Just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It’s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you’re in love
And it feels like it’s the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never in my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name
Say it again for me
Cuz i love the way it feels when you are telling me that i’m
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It’s like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you’re in love
Say it again
When you tell me you’re in love…
Say it again
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Friday, March 07, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Root Canal Treatment
Went to see my dentist today. Well, according to her, I need to undergo a Root Canal Treatment. Omaigod... Heard like it is so serious. What is it? She explained to me the treatment procedure. Omaigod again. Seems like they need to drill my teeth and take out what they called nerve. Arrrkkkkkk....!!!!

Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Thursday, March 06, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Karrim vs Kassim
Who is Kassim? Who is Karrim? People always asks. Well.... Only certain peoples know them. Hehehehe.... Karrim used to be my 1st new car that I've owned. Got it in November 2000. 11 November 2000 to be exact. Have lots of fun with it. Bak kata orang "terlalu banyak saat manis dan pahit bersama". Kakakaka... Almost nation wide ronda-ronda with him except Sabah and Sarawak. Kassim or Proton called it Proton Wira 1.6 Auto Thomas Cup Limited Edition. Why Thomas Cup Limited Edition? I guess, that was the time when Malaysia is the host for Thomas Cup tournament kot... Kassim did not gave me any problem at all during his tenure with me. Hahahaha... The only major problem was when the trottle body got kaput. Causing the RPM not stable. That incident happened only after 6 years services with me. Frankly, it was a sad moment when I trade in him for Kassim.
And now... Kassim. I got him a year back or to be exact on 10 November 2006. Two weeks before Raya. Hehehehe... My frens at kampung called him Kereta raya. Hahahahaa..... So far, he's ok. Still didn't dissappoint me whenever I step on the accelarator. I've tried his performance at KLIA Highway long time ago to see how fast he can go. At the end, I am the one who did not dare to test him to the max. The speed at that time was around 207 km/h. At that speed, I think about the tyres and all aspects that could go wrong (hati dah kecut sebenarnyerr.. Kekekeke). Several weeks ago, I've tested again at KL Putrajaya Highway. I lost again, but this time the speed was at 211km/h. Well... I think I'm not sehati kering as I was during 5 years back. Hahahaha....
So.. For those who keep on asking who is Kassim and Karrim, I believe I've answered you guys already... Kekekeke
P/S: BAbam... Kim salam kat ngko punya Ahmad... Hahahaha........
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Wednesday, March 05, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I got this email from somebody... ehem ehem... First I thought it's just a mail but when I read it thoroughly, hmm.... some of it, well most of it are true.. I don't know bout you all but please read it till the end and you'll know whether it's true or not...
Teringat pasal satu story...seorang lelaki balik rumah...dia jadi hairan giler..halaman rumah berselerak... surat di peti pos tak berambil,anak- anak tengah main korek-korek tanah kotor, baju compang camping, penuh dengan tanah dan kotoran rambut tak bersikat, tak bermandi, masuk ke pintu rumah, lagi lelaki tu terkejut...ruang tamu lagi teruk berselerak lelaki itu melaung nama isterinya... .sepi tiada jawapan. masuk ke dapur..sinki penuh dengan pinggan mangkuk yang tidak berbasuh, periuk tidak bercuci. mencari apa yang boleh dimakan tetapi tiada makanan yang dimasak masuk ke bilik air, baju masih belum berbasuh,apatah lagi berendam.
lelaki itu cemas mencari isterinya..dia bergegas ke tingkat atas, melihat isterinya terbaring di atas katil sedang membaca buku.."awak sakit ke?"..tanya lelaki itu.. "tak lah", jawab isterinya ringkas "kenapa teruk sangat rumah kita hari ni", tanya si suami lagi sambil meletakkan tangan di dahi isterinya, kot-kot isterinya demam... balas isterinya "wahai suamiku, semalam semasa kita bertengkar, abg mengatakan yang saya ini hanyalah seorang suri rumah, duduk di rumah tidak sepenat diri abg yang duduk di pejabat, dan abg sering menanyakan apa kerja yang saya lakukan di rumah yang menyebabkan saya merungut kepenatan kadang-kadang. ....NAH, HARI INI SAYA TIDAK MELAKUKAN KERJA-KERJA YANG BIASA SAYA LAKUKAN SETIAP HARI....... "Wanita adalah insan istimewa, biarkan mereka terus membebel,merengek atau mengilai seperti pontianak . Seburuk-buruk perangai wanita, ia akan terus melekat di hati kita selagi hayat di kandung badan...
Best baca sampai abis!!!. It's true. To share..Dari Ilham seorang lelaki.. As for me is different, if my wife is not at home, rumah boleh jadik porak peranda. Memang true, jika isteri ada dirumah, kepala slalupening.Pantang kalau isteri ada kat rumah and i'm off duty, sure at times boleh membuat kepala berserabut. Kalau madam takde kat rumah, alangkah tenteramnya hidup ini. Boleh buat apa yang kita suka. Boleh belengkar kat depan TV tanpa sebarang gangguan mental dah fizikal. Pendek kata,FreeeDoMmmmmla h!! But hairan bin ajaib, when dia betul-betul pergi meaning "She's Gone",aku pulak terasa separuh mati.. Sehari dua memanglah shiookkkk, no once shouting from the kitchen for help, no one to komen this and that, no one to criticise. Everything will be smooth... Tapi, masuk hari ketiga, I felt something is missing. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tuala mandi dah berbau 'assshheemmmm' , tak tahu mana nak carik yang baru. Colgate gigi dah abis,tak tahu kat mana dia stock up. Air suam dah abis, malas nak boil...Masuk hari ke-4, rindu mula terasa. Eventhough kat office, ramai yang cun melecun,wajahnya yang dah ditatap sejak tarikh bernikah itu juga yang mengetuk pintu hati. Memang lah dia tak se-cun SITI NURHALIZA but the smile yang ikhlas,forever melekat kat hati and sukar ada pengganti.
Apabila rindu mencengkam, semuanya jadi tak tentu arah. Tengok TV citer best pun jadik tak best. Nasik bungkus faberite jadik tak faberite. Makan kat 5 star hotel jadik rasa cam makan kat kedai AA. Lebih-lebih lagi bila laundry basket dah makin bertimbun ngan baju kotor, fresh sluar dalam pun dah abis utk dipakai. Toilet dah mula licin berdaki...lantai dah berbelak, tak dimop...Everynite, very the lonely, baring atas katil nengok ceiling blindly... bila lonely gini, baru lah rasa benar kesepian. Jangan kata sebulan atau setahun....belum seminggu isteri takde kat rumah, aku dah terasa separuh pengsan. Bila bersendirian begini,dan terasa malam begitu dingin, barulah kita sedar betapa pentingnya seorang wanita bernama isteri...begitulah isteri kita rasa bila kita tinggalkan dia sendiri malam2 agaknya ya..
So guys out there... jgn buli isteri kita. Kalau boleh, tolong dia buat kerja rumah. Bukan dok depan TV every weekend baca paper. Apa ingat dorang ni sumer kuli ke?! Maid ker?!! Kan dia tu bini kita, best fren kita,sweetheart kita... Ingat duit hantaran yang kita kasik dia masa nikah dulu cukup ker nak bayar gaji dia seumur hidup??!! And furthermore, kan sama2 keja carik rezeki, sama jugak lah buat keja rumah. Kadang2 bila poket kita sesak, tak ingat ker dialah orang yang paling terdekat kita nak kenyeng-kenyeng duit. Tak kesian ker nengok bini kita? Dah ler satu hari keja kat office, balik kena buat keja rumah lagi...penat tau!! Kalau aku lah diberi peluang jadik seorang wanita...tak rela!!!
So to all mums and wives out there... life will be meaningless without you .Bagaimana rasanya sehari tanpa ibu? I dunno lah anak-anak sekarang,tetapi when i was small, sekiranya emak tiada, semua jadi serba tidak kena!Usahkan seminggu, dua hari sahaja dia tiada dirumah, hidup bagaikan dah tak bermakna.Memanglah, mula-mulanya emak keluar rumah, hati melonjak HAPPINESS!!! Kalau mak tak ada, telinga boleh lega sebab if she's around, for sure 24hours tak habis-habis berleter.... pottttt peeettt pooott peettttt,boleh pecah eardrums. And if mak menjerit, boleh bergegar isi perut. Silap gaya , tingkap pun boleh tercabut... And if mak takde, BangZaiiiiii! !! MerdeKa!!!FreeDoMmm mmm! !! Can do whatever!!! Boleh main bleyblade sampai senja, boleh tido rumah kawan,boleh chatting sampai nak terkeluar biji bola mata, boleh bergayut kat talipon ngan "dear" sampai subuh and paling shiookkk, boleh ponteng solat!!
But, the happiness does not long last. Masuk hari ke-2 dah terasakehilangan. Sepi betul rasanya bila tak mendengar leteran mak. Rumah jadik sesepi-sepinya cam "haunted village". Pada ketika itulah baru kita sedar bahawa leteran mak yang seperti murai, sebenarnya penyeri rumah.Tanpa leteran itu, semunya seperti MATI... Without mum, hidup ni tak ada cabaran, not challenging, no suspense. Balik kul braper pun, takde orang nak membebel, takde orang nak pulas telinga. Our life graph becomes very the monotenous,then we realised, jari jemari mak yang suka cubit dah memiat telinga rupanya menjadikan hidup lebih bermakna. Pendek kata, biarlah mak membebel sepanjang hari. Biarlah dia menjentik telinga.. Tanpanya, hidup tidak berseri dan tak bererti. Demikianlah besarnya erti seorang EMAK, IBU, UMMI, MUMMY, MAMA in our life!!
Sekian terima kasih.
So guys... What say you? Am I the only one smiling and accept it while reading or you guys are same with me too, especially when it comes tu mum's part.. Kekekeke.... Tepuk dada tanya selera yerr...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Tuesday, March 04, 2008 1 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Wonderful Sunday...
It's been a wonderful Sunday again for me. As usual, Man U narrowed down the gap with Arsenal, from 5 points several weeks ago down to 1 point this weekends. Another big game coming at Old Trafford early Wednesday morning. ECL againts Lyon, French Champs.
Saturday, visited my uncle in IPR (Institut Perubatan Respiratory) near Hospital Tawakal KL. He's been there 3 weeks now. Suspected lung infection. Got back from KL and received a guest at home, Ayie, my wife's es-office mate. We lepak till 3 am.
Sunday, went to Carrefour Subang. Had lunch at Chicken Rice Shop. Groceries topup and also sent Kassim for wax at Cars International. Feewiiittt... Caya lar Kassim. You looked handsome after wax. Kekekeke... Reached home around 5pm. Went out again to Putra Heights for my wife's ex-office mate gathering. Kewl.. Mixed around with them. Sempoi...
This week, I've sent my team to outstation. 1 team to Sg Petani and the other team to Johor. Well.. I end up alone in the office. Arghh.. (Cemana bulih tak perasan akan tinggal sorang sorang nie.. Sure bosan giler...). I can say that I will be busy to accomodate all problems pertaining to my group this week. But it's okay though, don't wanna stress out the teams. It's not like I'm not used to do all this job before. Once in a while, need to come down to site to really understand and the most important thing to feel what they all feel at sites nowadays. It's been a while since I'm busy at site. Remembered last time when my ex-Boss, En Amin was around. Hehehe...
Futsal session... Terrific. No injury. Play like I've never played before... Kakakaka.... Doing lots of running. Yup! Run and run and run and run... Hopefully can maintain my stamina.
Basically, it's been a terrific week for me and hopefully some of you experience it as good as I am. Exciting towards the coming week. Yess... Pilihanraya this coming weekend...
Dikarang oleh Budak Kampung at Monday, March 03, 2008 0 comments