Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday Blues

Mondayyy...!! Always and will never love Monday morning. Hehehe... Since I was in school, I hate Monday morning. And now, I hate Monday morning because of the 929 meeting. Lots of so called update being presented by all the PMs and department head. Problems being raised. Resolution? Hmm.. In a meeting seems there are lots of ideas and resolution being brought up. After the meeting? Well everything goes everywhere (if you got what I mean)....

Today's meeting, I just keep my own business by chatting with frens, My face looks like I'm concentrating doing something, but the facts is, I'm doing nothing. Hahahaha... While buzy with my own activities, heard that they are discussing something about the support at site and also the spare units. Hmm.. Got some "devils' idea. Starting to poked around and make some issue on it. Hahahaha....... Successsss.....!!!!

So starting from now on, my group will only support SGB, AST, SGP and PKN. Other than that, should they require our services, they need to submit a workorder before I can proceed the kind of support they need. Kekekekeke.........


idasazliana said...

dulu misti malas nak g assembly monday kan...kan..kan..? :p